Greetings blog friends, and Happy New Year. Yes, it is 2013 (yay!), and yes, it has now been over a year since I've posted regularly over here; I'm posting daily on my Facebook, and it's all public, so if you'd like please subscribe to me over there. I know, I know, it's not the same - and I'm not ruling out returning to more or less daily blogging - but I have no immediate plans to do so.
I did want to check in because it has now been ten years since I started blogging. Wow. During that time I have posted 2,618 entries incorporating 7,556 pictures, and they're all still online and accessible. I like having that history, and love being able to go back and see what I was thinking around a given time. (For example, during last fall's presidential election, it was so cool to visit blog posts from October 2008 and October 2004.) You might be interested to know this blog is entirely home grown and lives on a server in a closet of my house, and yes, that server is a Pentium II from 1999, and yes, it is running RedHat Linux 8, and yes, it is stable as hell. Old technology for an old blog :)
I do still intend to recover from my extreme Yak shaving and come out the other end with a blog I can completely maintain via email. As I've shifted more and more of my daily spelunking to my iPad this has become more and more pressing. Or speaking of pressing, I could move the whole thing to WordPress... hmmm.