Archive: June 15, 2015

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the canals of LA

Monday,  06/15/15  11:47 PM

Did you know Los Angeles used to have a bunch of canals?  Check it out: The Lost Canals of Venice of America.  Most of that area is now Marina Del Rey...

Amazing ... who knew?



Monday,  06/15/15  11:57 PM

A great day, as me and my good friend Mark performed "geriatric surgery" to extend the life of my 36-year old racing sailboat... and meanwhile, let's see what else is going on:

This is so real (and actually kind of funny): Jerry Seinfeld and the Progressive Comedy Pause.  "Tell a joke to a liberal. Between your punchline and his laughter, there is a Progressive Comedy Pause. In this second or two, the liberal will process the joke to make sure he is allowed to laugh..."  Hehe :)  

Consider who turned the crazy machine up to 11?

Although perhaps not that funny, because: liberals are the most easily offended and the least tolerant.

Consider this cartoon; I think it's funny, but perhaps a Progressive would have to think about it for a while to decide whether they're allowed to laugh.  Go ahead, you know you want to... 

O'Reilly: Consensual Reality.  "We're on the cusp of an era in which each of us perceives the world around us differently because of technology."  Yep, and Visual Search is going to be a big part of it. 

9to5 Mac wonders Will the launch of Apple Music mark the beginning of the end for Spotify?  Hmmm...  well you already know what I think

This is way cool: Tesla-approved drone flyover of the Gigafactory.  Wow. 

Paul Ford: What is Code?  A delightful rumination that manages to hit a bunch of nails on the head.  Read it when you have a few minutes to ponder. 

Why 82,000 is an extraordinary number.  A little nerdy, but who doesn't love numerology? 

Good news from Apple: webkit content blockers.  Aka, we'll finally be able to have "Adblock for IOS".  If you ever surf on an iPad you immediately discover your desktop Adblock protects you from a whole world of crap. 

And finally, a better kind of selfie stick.  I love it!



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