Checking in ... let's see what's happening!
This is Kylo. Sleeping in odd positions is his specialty.
It is increasingly borne in upon me that I'm posting too much. Sorry. I shall attempt to tighten the filter granularity! I can tell this from reviewing my flight each day; in former years I was less verbose, more interesting. Noted. 
MedCity ask: With Livongo, did Zane Burke sell a lemon to Teladoc’s Jason Gorevic? My own answer is No, Livongo was not a Lemon, at all, and the strategic fit was great. But the price was not great, both companies were public high-flyers at the time of the deal, and the consequent need to realize projected synergies led to unnatural decision-making. I believe he would do it again, but would execute the "merger" quite differently. 
So what do you think, did Putin invade Ukraine to prevent it from joining NATO? Seems plausible. And if so, it worked. 
Mapped: the most innovative countries in the world!
Guess who's [still] #1? 
Literally awesome: James Webb Telescope’s Incredibly Deep View of the Universe. (Click to enbiggen amazingly.) When you think that each of those galaxies has millions of stars... 
Hmmm... Wired thinks Mastodon bump is now a slump. Maybe, but it's too early to tell. Wired love to stake out contra positions which support their world view. 
Doc Searles: Is Mastodon a commons? 
Clive Thompson: How I use RSS to 'rewild' my attention. And he includes Twitter and Mastodon in "RSS"... 
Um, congratulations? LeBron James breaks NBA's all-time scoring record, surpassing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. LeBron is and has been amazing, but Kareem is one of my all time favorites ... the sky hook was literally unstoppable. What people forget about Kareen is he played on teams with many different scorers; LeBron was mostly the main scorer on his team all through. 
Reason TV: these five technologies will change the world by 2050. To save you watching (V;DW!), here are the five: 1) Micromobility (sure), 2) Delivery Drones (okay), 3) Language AI (absolutely), 4) Lab-grown meat (what?), 5) Health wearables (yes!). 
I think related: Oracle reorganizes AI, data business units as healthcare becomes CTO's primary focus. 
Already a long pooost... I think I'll stop here :) 