I must have a lot to do this year, because poof! here it is January 18th already and I haven't made time for a year in review post. So. Here it is...
For a lot of the year I posted solely to Facebook, and they have a great 2013 in review page. Nice to see all that... the pictures they picked for the page header are great choices; visiting Tuscany, seeing the Stones with Alex, visiting Ireland, and ... me, driving!
2013 revisited:
Decompressed in Napa.
Enjoyed dusk at Westlake (*still* my computer desktop)
Loved Meg and Nico (Oaks Winter Formal)
Danced with Meg at Oaks' Father-Daughter dance
Printed 3D hearts for Valentine's Day
Survived a tough break
Enjoyed Raspberry Pi
Marveled at the National Aquarium (while attending USCAP in Baltimore)
Escaped from Saturn to the Venetian
Adopted the future early, with Tesla!
Rooted for DeeDee Jonrowe in the Iditarod
Listened to Jonathon McEuen at a house party
Thought "deeply" with MC Escher
Turned Easter up to 11, with Spinal Tap :)
Together with Samba Pa Ti at the Stonehaus
Voyaged to Goteburg and Lund, in Sweden
Touched the sky at Mount Baldy
Victorious, at Westlake Yacht Club
Summitted Breathless Agony
Cruised the Conejo (first time)
Watched the Amgen Tour of California (and rode up to Palm Spring Tram!)
Participated in Caltech Alumni Day (and debated the Higgs Boson)
Rolled with the Stones, with Alex
Crawled Dublin!
Awed at the Cliffs of Moher
Mystified by Glenveigh Castle
Doubled up at the Eastern Sierra (206 miles, 11,120 feet)
Toured Tuscany!
Delighted by Florence... incredible
First! under the bridge in the annual Round the Island
Testing the spiffy new machine
"Upgraded" to IOS 7 (on 7/7); like it less and less
Pedaled along with the Tour de France up Mont Ventoux
Survived the Tour de Big Bear (106 miles, 8,400 feet)
Put on the Ritz, book launch party in Half Moon Bay
Learned at Caltech Alumni College (on Translational Medicine)
Cheered for Meg, cheering for the Oaks Lions
Surfed with the Alien, Joe Satriani at the Canyon Club
Tried not, printed
Centered console ... makes me happy
Did not forget, nor will I ever
Rooted [hard!] for Chris Horner as he won the Vuelta at age 41
Presented eyesFinder at the Tech Coast Angels Quick Pitch final
Rode the Trona 353 (truncated from the Furnace Creek 508), and ...
Wore the coveted Furnace Creek 508 jersey (at last)
Attended the awesome La Jolla Art and Wine Festival
Climbed Deer Creek, with friends
Sailed the Trick or Treat regatta
Blogged again (it's a new world!) and have not yet stopped...
Enjoyed dinner at Third Corner, for the 1,000th time
Traveled all over the world, with my browser
Reunited with my family, most excellent (under less excellent circumstances)
Visited the Iron Horse Train Museum in Sacramento
Thanked the world for everything I have, which is too much
Including my beautiful angels :)
Lived in Gnome Man's land
Celebrated my birthday, with a story (without a submarine :)
Wondered at Spaceport Chicago (from the John Hancock, while attending RSNA)
Introduced eyesFinder, and left Aperio / Leica (after twelve years)
Selected the Coolest Photos of 2013
Wallowed in Holiday spirit :)
Wished everyone a Merry Christmas!
Proudly flew my wine flag
Welcomed 2014, and made a few resolutions