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Iditarod day three (a day off) >>>

Tuesday,  03/07/23  08:59 PM

Today was rather fun; spent it in a business meeting!  In person!  First time since ... well I can't quite remember.  My then-company Teladoc stopped working in person in March 2020, and never really went back; there were a few in person meetings, but they were rather contrived.  Anyway, it was fun.  Definitely no longer the norm.

Percent change in state populations, July 2021 - July 2022.  Interesting.  (Note: Don Surber headlines this "the national divorce has begun", which is perhaps a bit overblown.  But no doubt there is a blue -> red migration under way.) 

[I looked at this chart again and the colors are, um, backward; perhaps correctly the US Census didn't do politics, but the red shading indicates states losing people, and they're actually "blue" politically - e.g. California, New York, and Illinois - while the blue shading shows states which are gaining people, and they're "red" politically - e.g. Texas and Florida.]

In Los Angeles Speech, DeSantis Warns America Must Choose Between California and Florida.  "Your governor is very concerned about what we're doing in Florida, so I figured I had to come by.'"  Looks like some people are voting with their feet. 

Mathematicians roll the dice and get Rock-Paper-Scissors.  I don't know about you, but non-transitive dice bother me.  They should not exist :) 

Dave Winer: new rule: idiots get muted.  Assholes are blocked.  Okay, but who decides?  This is the problem. 

Wow: Teladoc Health, which runs BetterHelp, settles with the FTC for $7.8M and agrees to stop sharing data with Meta, Snap, and other companies for ad purposes.  Assume the data being shared were demographics, not individual patient records, but still... 

Liron Shapira: the goalposts are moving at warp speed.  Note the things considered "nowhere near solved" in Jan 2021.  Of course, one might argue something like "human-level general intelligence" will never be "solved", but at this point "nowhere near" does not feel correct. 

A great example of slanted reporting: this algorithm could ruin your life.  The city of Rotterdam is analyzing demographics to determine welfare fraud risk.  Of course.  And they're using AI algorithms to do so.  Of course.  And yes, some demographic categories have higher risk.  

BTW Wired re-headlined this article "inside the suspicion machine".  Better.

I'm unimpressed with Wired lately.  They are entitled to their point of  view, but it's often not deeply analyzed or supported, and hence, uninteresting.

So impressive: Stolz speed.  Yes, you must watch, and yes, you will not regret it.  Speedskating has to be one of the most beautiful sports to watch. 

Also: the thighs have it.  Better longer video.

Check it out: the Rogue Amoeba blog celebrates the company's 20th anniversary with the MacOS screenshot library.  All those great UIs.  Hen3ry will love it :) 

As you know, I agree entirely with John Gruber: "I really miss UI design that made controls obvious. Clear affordances. All buttons obviously buttons, all text input fields obviously text input fields. Pop-up menus that are obviously pop-up menus (today’s MacOS 13 is chock full of pop-up menus that only reveal themselves at pop-ups when you hover over them). 20 years ago we bent over backwards to make the purpose of every control as obvious as possible; the style today is to make everything look like flat static text."  Sigh. 

Onward ... into a day of ... working from home :)

