Working away on several fronts... and blogging...
Love this drawing by Escher, "Drawing Hands", aka the C Compiler. One of my very favorites from one of my very favorites. (Found via the Flight feature, in this post from 2003, regarding a Google Doodle which celebrated Escher's birthday...) 
Hunter Thompson, on Finding your Purpose. I think this is legit, but even if it isn't, it's great. 
Scott "Dilbert" Adams: the famous quote I never said. In which the distinction is made between Art and Design. 
Interesting book review on Ars Technica: Digital Gold (how Silicon Valley and Wall Street arrived at a new gold rush called Bitcoin). I'm super intrigued by Bitcoin. {Thanks for the feedback on Bitcoin 101, and stay tuned for Bitcoin 102 :) } 
Apropos Bitcoin: A space lawyer explains how we'll forge a civil society off Earth. There will be blockchain. 
Google confirms acquisition of Agawi, with technology for streaming native mobile apps. I think this just makes all kinds of sense, the "find in App store and then download" model is so broken. Mobile needs a "click address and run" model just like web pages. 
Route 50: Driving America's 'Loneliest Road'. "There are no points of interest. We don’t recommend it... We warn all motorists not to drive there, unless they’re confident of their survival skills." Sounds compelling, somehow. 
Could not agree more with Glenn Reynolds, who links Facebook tries yet again to un-screw-up the News Feed, and comments "why not roll it back to the way it was in 2009?" *Everyone* I know just wants to see all the posts from all their friends, in chronological order. 
Snoop Dogg for CEO of Twitter. Click through, it's not such a terrible idea. "The most important decision I’ve made in business? The choices of people I have around me." Well, yeah. 
The new, new economy is a little weird: AirBnB is now worth more than Marriott. I get the value of services like Uber and AirBnB that connect consumers to people with excess capacity, but the service itself doesn't seem like it would be as valuable as the capacity. This feels frothy... 
From Inhabitat: Unique and Spectacular Staircases. They are both! Yay. (So, Scott Adams, are these Art or Design? :) 