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on the road again

Saturday,  04/20/24  07:41 PM

I've been spending most of my time on the virtual road, on Zwift, but I still escape to the *real* road every once in a while, and so it was today, as I rode the Wildflower Century, up in Creston, CA (near San Luis Obispo).  I've ridden this before, it's a great ride, although this year it was truncated to 82miles because of the conditions of some of the roads.  So be it.

It was a beautiful day on beautiful roads, 4,900' of climbing, and took me 5:49:16 riding time.  Onward!

At the start.  Yep, 40 degrees, but it will warm up.

Lots and lots of nothing out here - and the roads are ... interesting

Plenty of vineyards shining in the sun

And yes, wildflowers!  SO amazing.

Many miles of quiet roads and pretty rolling hills

Blasting down the home stretch
(click to play)

yay, made it!