Brrr, continued...
Every winter I say "wow, it's cold and rainy this winter". This time it really is cold and rainy, and even blizzard-y. Went sailing today on my little Westlake and was fully bundled as if in a cross-ocean race, and was still cold. But of course, any day on the water is better than any other day, regardless :)
Slashdot: As cold front hits America, half a million lose power. Takeaway one, Slashdot still exists. And two, they are now weather reporters?
The pic at right reminds me - of course - of Missing Person's Walking in LA, a full-on classic. They were great.
Wow, the new historical American Girl doll is from the 90s. She probably listens to Missing Persons, too. (NB: Walking in LA dates from 1982...) 
And to Tom Petty, "she was an American Girl..." (NB: from 1976!)
Excellent: century-old Harley-Davidson sells for record-breaking $935K. Can you imagine driving up to the Rockstore in that? 
Realization: 1923 was "a century ago". Post-WWI!
Well. The recovery of ~120,000 stolen ether by Jump and Oasis demonstrates the centralization of DeFi enabled by multisig-controlled upgradable smart contracts. I don't understand the details here, but my takeaway is that Web3 isn't decentralized at all. I also love that the "smart contracts" are "upgradeable". Imagine buying a house, then a year later someone changes the purchase contract. Nope. 
Amazing this made it onto TV: Woody Harrelson hosted SNL and used his monologue to criticize Big Parma's response to Covid. 
WSJ: US Department of Energy concludes Covid originated from a Wuhan lab leak. Well, duh. But amazing that the Biden administration admits this, and that WSJ publishes it. 
Question: Why is the US DOE responsible for this?
Observation: Can't wait for the CDC to conclude the same thing. Can't wait, because they will never admit it.
David Sacks: Why would Fauci do this? Where "this" was publishing a 2012 paper describing the lab leak risk, and then advocating for "gain of function" research. (Advocating == funding!) 
Literally awesome: Armand Duplantis breaks pole vault record. Watch it. Humans are awesome. 
I always wonder, how do people practice to learn how to pole vault? Seems like you'd have a lot of flying off at weird angles and great heights before you learned to control it (!)
Tim Bray celebrates 20 years of his ongoing blog. As he should. Tim is mostly a thinker rather than a linker, and a good one. Onward to the next 20! 
I, too, have a home-grown weird blogging mechanism, and I, too, blog about it from time to time. It's fun to have this level of control.
Sad to see this: Dilbert, cancelled. I urge you to read through the posts before jumping on the bandwagon. 
Well onward into the week! Stay warm, everyone. I for one am ready for Spring... 