Yay, went sailing today! Was beautiful out, shorts and no shirt, singlehanded Mojito to a 4th place finish. Any day on the water is better than any other day, and today was a much needed dose of Vitamin D.
Fortune: The 'great resignation' is now the 'great regret'. "80% of job hoppers wish they hadn't quit their old roles, with Gen Z the most regretful." I wonder if their old roles would seem better if they were in them, or if this is a "grass is greener" phenomenon? We've been watching Poker Face on Peacock (it's great!) and hence, have been exposed to Peacock's ads; they're not so great, but this Range Rover one climbing up a giant spillway in Iceland is amazing. What a setting! Bonus observation: YouTube could not be any cruftier. There has to be an opportunity for a video sharing site which likes users.
Philip Greenspun: Winter in Death Valley. "It was a great trip and one of the few times in recent memory that I was in a U.S. National Park and not jammed into a Manhattan-style crowd." As always, Philip is great at spotting life's contradictions.
Pair this with my recent "New York vs Florida" link to a WSJ article: Crime in Florida at a 50-year low. Meanwhile, in New York... And a great long read about one of my favorite US cities: The astonishing transformation of Austin. "Austin is the fastest-growing major metro area in America, having expanded by a third in the past ten years. It is already the eleventh-largest city... It was never known as a home for billionaires and celebrities, but in the past few years notable refugees from Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and New York have stampeded into town."
Seems like once every other issue or so the New Yorker publishes something that reminds me why I read it :)