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comments update

Thursday,  02/16/23  10:01 PM

So, an update on the great comments experiment.

As of today, I've made 16 posts since enabling comments via Mastodon, which comprised about 80 distinct items, and had one count it one comment posted, a comments about comments, in a thread with five [public] responses.

Chirp, chirp.

Interestingly, during that time I've received about 15 emails from various of you, leading to several interesting conversations, all of which were of course private.

I'm not abandoning comments yet - easier to do nothing than to fold the tent - but doesn't exactly seem like a winner so far :)

I am wondering - and your comments on this are eagerly solicited - maybe comments *here*, inline with blog posts, would be more compelling than comments over on Mastodon.  Only one click removed, but still, and the friction of signing up for a new service; don't expect that many of you are already on Mastodon, despite being [relatively] early adopters.

Anyway, it's an experiment ... onward! 


Comments? (1:4)