So, was it good for you? The game - close, closely fought, interesting - and the ads - meh, none really stood out for me - and the halftime show - okay, at least not offensive (!), but not amazing either. The best part as usual was the food - thanks, Shirley! - and the company ...
Things which stood out for me from the game: the Chief's decision not to go on 4th and 3, and then missed the field goal (how often do kickers hit a goal post, and how hard would that be to do if you tried?), the Eagle's fumble for a Chief's touchdown, the Chief's offside when the Eagles were at 4th and goal. All in the first half. And the Chief's made better halftime adjustments, and played better in the 2nd half. For me the bogus holding call at the end of the game was bad, but indecisive; it led to a Chief's field goal but they were already in range anyway. At best the call ran off some clock which the Eagles could have used at the end. The Eagle's kickoff non-return and final non-play seemed disorganized; okay they didn't have much time, but they could have done more.
A minor thread was the bad field. C'mon, they can't get that right? (They tried...)
In my house the biggest takeaway from the ads was, wow, Alicia Silverstone looks great. And also, Adam Driver, because, well, Adam Driver. Many big stars but no creative breakthroughs. No chances taken.
My sense of the Rihanna halftime was people wanted it to be better than it was. For me, at best it wasn't terrible. But compared to other amazing halftimes I can remember (Lady Gaga!) it didn't measure up. Even last years' with Eminem, Dr Dre, and Snoop Dog was more interesting. Bring back Katy Perry and Left Shark!
"Everybody" seems to think this article by Td Chiang: ChatGPT is a blurry JPEG of the web, is insightful. For me, not so much. It's interesting because of why it's wrong. ChatGPT is amazing because it is interactive, it understands natural language, and plays back information in human-friendly form. It's a breakthrough in man-machine communication. The fact that it summarizes information instead of bring back the exact primary sources, well, so what. 99% of Google's hits on a search do the same thing. 
My quiet prediction is that ChatGPT and its kin are the next step forward in user interfaces; from command lines (imperative-verb oriented) to graphical user interfaces (much easier to use, but still imperative-verb oriented) to [now] interactive chat (intent oriented). Slowly and then quickly functional software applications are going to have an intent-oriented UIs.
TechCrunch: hands-on with the new Bing. I've tried it too. Doesn't feel quite ChatGPT-like, does it? 
Cult of Mac: Siri desperately needs some ChatGPT-like smarts. Yep. As a constant Alexa user I'm constantly reminded how much better it is than Siri. I don't have an Android phone but friends tell me Hey Google is way better, too. 
Argh: Toy Story 5 Gets Greenlight Despite Near Perfect Toy Story 4 Ending. Disney are floundering. 
Love this: Even a Brain-Eating Amoeba Can't Hide From This Cutting-Edge Diagnosis Tech. "Metagenomics is the future of medical diagnostics, said Eric Topol, director of Scripps Research Translational Institute, La Jolla, Calif." Lots of unstructured data - perfect for AI analysis. 
How Artificial Intelligence Is Driving Changes in Radiology. At the risk of a bad pun, this is a no-brainer. Much of medical diagnosis is rare-event detection, perfect for AI screens. 
Another case: Deep multi-magnification similarity learning helps histopathological diagnosis. In this regard (pattern recognition) Pathology is even harder (larger images, more data) and more important (more diagnoses made) than Radiology. 
Affirm are laying people off - not news - and shutting down their crypto operations - news. I think 2023 will be the year the crypto emperor's lack of clothes are revealed. 
Whew, another loong filter post. Is there so much going on? I need to dial the filter back, again!