Making a filter pass...
Beautiful day outside - yay - even went to the harbor and checked on my little boat, but did not got sailing, sigh, and my plans for sailing tomorrow are iffy too. Stay tuned. Anyway it felt today like the corner has been turned on winter, whatever Punxatawny Phil might have said...
Oh, and we saw 80 for Brady tonight; cute, worth a watch. Poignant considering he just retired, but still ... cute.
Russell Beattie: My job search. "Despite making an effort, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) still absolutely hate my resume in either PDF or DOCX form. I've tried to reformat the damn thing a few times - making it simpler and re-arranging job title and employer, etc. but the systems are just random as hell and make a total hash of it." I've been looking for a new job too, and have worried about this; very few recruiters see your resume "native", and it's hard to know how it looks after the great ATS filter. Good luck, Russell! 
The painting is DALL-E: "Impressionist painting of someone looking for a job." But really, they'd be behind a keyboard :)
Wow. Astronomers Just Discovered 12 New Moons Orbiting Jupiter. That makes 92, [perhaps temporarily] beating out Saturn's 83. "Nine of the twelve new satellites are found in the far-off moon clusters that orbit Jupiter retrogradely, or in the opposite direction of the inner moons." Suggesting they are captured asteroids... 
The OK computer. A nice reminiscence of the Lisa, on its 40th (!) anniversary. I never used a Lisa, but I had a Xerox 850 - with a mouse! - and I so remember the first Macintosh. I still have my old Mac SE, Hen3ry; I should boot him to celebrate :) 
The next de-extinction target: The dodo. "The dodo was a large (up to 1 meter tall), flightless bird that evolved on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. As European sailors reached the islands, it quickly became a source of food for them and the invasive species that accompanied them. It went extinct within a century of the first descriptions reaching Europe." Well, cool, and good luck with that! (And you did watch Jurassic Park, right?) 
Virgin Orbit: Facts about the novel air-launch provider. "In the increasingly competitive commercial spaceflight sector, Virgin Orbit is known for its horizontal air-launch system in which an expendable two-stage LauncherOne rocket is carried to around 35,000 ft by a modified Boeing 747-400... Virgin Orbit says this mobile launch method allows for faster mission preparation compared to more conventional ground launches." Rooting for them, but seems hard. 
Visual Capitalist: the rise and fall of music formats. Supercool. Interesting how there was a big drop after CDs peaked at the turn of the century, but now streaming has risen even higher. Would be interesting to know whether a larger percentage of the revenue is now going to artists, and also, a Pareto of how many are getting how much (are the stars getting richer?) 