A quick filter pass ...
Lots of non-news today. There was a report about Apple's AR/VR headset, and everyone went crazy parroting everyone else's report about it. And it's all a rumor, nothing real. Shows you that anytime you know about something in the news, you know they got it wrong. (BTW this is not a picture from Apple, just someone's guess ... but feel free to share!) Ann Althouse: Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. with a hilariously/tragically bad monumental sculpture. It is indeed tragically bad. I honestly debated whether to post this picture - this is a G-rated blog - but decided you would want to see it if you haven't already. WTF, right? Dave Winer is working on a new tool called Feedland, "a feed management system for individuals and groups". I don't get it yet. I do think RSS is the bees knees. Not sure what a feed management system would do for me. But Dave often sees around the corner, I'm staying tuned. Now becoming apparent: Twitter was the ultimate cancellation machine. Meanwhile, and interestingly, a lot of third-party Twitter clients have had their credentials revoked, allegedly for violating Twitter's terms of service. Reading between the lines, likely they displayed Tweets without ads, thereby depriving Twitter of revenue. So yeah, it sucks for them, but so be it. I would agree their communication has been curiously lacking; the Elon Musk regime have mostly explained the changes they've made. xkcd: Sunspot Cycle. Feels like I link every new post, but then again every new post is so good. This you have to watch: Drone Dives the Full Height of the Burj Khalifa. Amazing. [ via Kottke ] I have not heard, does this building move? In the wind? What is it like to work on the higher floors? Ottmar Liebert re-visits CDs. "the album in a store is simply a container for the ideas of the musicians and producers". The challenge for artists today is how to capture that value, when the incremental cost of distribution is $0 online. His last ten albums in the last ten years have been distributed online, and he's still doing it, so somehow it must be working... Interconnected: filtered for ants and laws. A meanderingly thoughtful post: