Trying to figure out if I should make any New Year's Resolutions. Last year I did: 1) cuss less, 2) work out daily, 3) better work/life balance. I think I did (1) pretty well, (2) okay - well, not daily, and (3) probably overdid life since I stopped working in May. For this year ... huh, I don't know yet. I am planning to start working again, so (3) might kick in again!
I'm probably the last one to discover Queen's Gambit, which came out on Netflix in 2020. Brad Feld was the first to bring it to my attention, I ignored it then, watched it now. Excellent. Of course it catapulted Anya Taylor-Joy to stardom, and she's great, but the whole thing is most excellent. 
Also great, and from the same era: Emily in Paris, also on Netflix. I'm sure there are French people up in arms about the stereotypes, but also I'm sure many agree they're mostly valid. And Paris is the star. Overall quite fun. 
Check this out, from Jousef Murad: the new outpainting capability of DALL-E-2. Serious magic! 
Also from Jousef Murad: Maze Fluid Dynamics. Yet another cool way, if one were needed., to solve 2D mazes. This one is more fun than most :) 
Who knew? Hike to these hot sprints in Santa Barbara and soak in cascading aqua pools. What a nice thing to try. No clue though about what the "unmarked trail" is like... 
Aug 2020: Mark Frauenfelder: my fascination with these confounding dice. Yeah, the non-transitivity is just ... weird. 
Also Aug 2020: Visual Capitalist: all of the world's borders by age. Supercool. 
Oct 2020: Tal Backman remembers Eddie Van Halen. The greatest guitarist of all time? Certainly in the conversation. Can't believe this is already three years ago... 
Also Oct 2020: Laughing squid: Incredible animation shows how the Charles Bridge in Prague was built. The ingenuity of architects through history has been amazing. I love the way all those ancient cathedrals were built, too. 
Maybe my favorite saved item of the Covid era, Oct 2020: Not the Bee*: Babylon Bee retracts retraction after US Navy confirms USA Today fact check is false. How great is this? 

* Note that Not the Bee is a site featuring real news that only seems like it should be on the Babylon Bee :)