Checking back in ... sorry, I've been busy. And also sort of hunkered down.
So so glad that Le Tour is taking place, albeit pushed back by a couple of months. With all the compromises it's still a fantastic event and has been great watching. Of course it doesn't hurt that "my team" Jumbo Visma are in yellow...
Asking the important questions: Will I ever buy clothing again? 
You guys all knew this, but I did not; the supercool Flight Radar 24 website. Every plane in the air in realtime. 
Here we have the 20 most extreme places on Earth. Make a list, visit them all. Awesome! 
Book of the day: You look like a thing and I love you. "How artificial intelligence works and why it's making the world a weirder place." Noted. 
Department of intended consequences: California judge rules Uber, Lyft must classify drivers as employees. 
NASA: Seven things to know about the Perseverance Mars Rover. Good to know. I hope it has the same perseverance as Spirit and Opportunity! 
News you could use, if only the people who claim to use science actually, um, used science: Why green energy is impossible. Of all the contradictory agenda items on the liberal agenda, this is the least easily explained by Occam's Razor. Surely at least some of the supporters of green energy know it's a sham? 
Oh, and Tonopah solar files for bankruptcy in the great implosion.
Meanwhile, SpaceX changes the game with 100th rocket launch. The first polar launch from Florida in more than 50 years. And ho hum, the first stage was landed afterward and will be reused. 