Rocking in the USA...
Second wave? Not even close. And you might ask yourself, how did I get here? We've stopped making sense. There are many people who want a disaster and are rooting for it. Including especially the mass media. 
I've noticed my friends fall into two groups: those who watch CNN and MSNBC and who think things are bad and getting worse, and those who get their news from the internet and who think CNN and MSNBC are the real problem.
Deja Vu all over again? Daniel Patrick Moynihan to Richard Nixon: "To a degree that no one could have anticipated even three or four years ago, the educated elite of the American middle class have come to detest their society, and their detestation is rapidly diffusing to youth in general." 
Gerard Vanderleun: Heaven's Mailroom. "Thank you, Hashem, for giving me the ability to share this message and for giving me so many wonderful people with whom to share it." 
The safest source of energy will surprise you. Well, it didn't surprise me, but I love having the data. 
Nerding out: Implementing Ctrl+F. This is interesting but misses another approach - creating an index tree. For one search it might not be the best, but for many many searches it is far more efficient. 
xkcd: Modified Bayes Theorem. P(C) is correlated to knowing you need P(C). 
Kind of apropos: ESR on Defect Attractors. "A 'defect attractor' of a program, language, API, or any other kind of software construct is a feature which, while possibly not bad in itself, spawns defects in the design or code near it." 
And I found this recursively cool: Microsoft scrambles to stop AI reporter from reporting on itself. I wonder if the AI reporter will find this story? 
Literally awesome: the SpaceX Crew Dragon docked at the International Space Station. It only looks like a movie. This picture taken by an astronaut on a space walk. 
c|net: SpaceX could send NASA to Jupiter's potentially habitable moon Europa. Excellent, where do I buy a ticket?