The Ole filter makes a pass ... looking back, it's been kind of a post-less June, sorry about that. Not that I need an excuse, but I have a reason; last week / weekend we escaped for a wonderful loong Father's Day at Bacara, one of my very favorite places. It's reopened in a careful way, yay.
Last week was Apple's virtual WWDC, and a lot of pretty real changes were announced, including the much-anticipated switch from Intel to Apple / ARM processors. Serenity Caldwell serves up a great two-minute overview of all the announcements. 
Tidbits: the case for ARM-based Macs. 
I love this: Moths to the Flame. "The International Moth remains the pinnacle of small-boat foiling, with devotees committed to 'the progression'." After two years I am still on the first rungs of the ladder, but boy are they fun. 
Awesome: The return of the 90's web. Serverside rendering, no-code tools, personal websites (!) ... crazy talk! 
Reid Hoffman: Forgot writing that business plan. Design an experiment instead. More crazy talk :) 
Hardly any "real" sports you say? Yeah, but ... in Slovenia, they had an actual cycling race for their National Championship, wherein Primoz Roglic beat Tadej Pogacar. Slovenia just happens to have two of the top cyclists in the world, and also, no Covid cases. 
Eric Raymond: A user story about user stories. "Design by user story is not a technique for generating code, it's a technique for changing your mind." When ESR talks, people listen. 
Here we have 'Take on Me', performed in Excel. Just when you think you've seen it all, you realize "it all" is so much more than you thought. 
Take note: Facebook on fact-checking political statements. "We will protect political speech, even when we strongly disagree with it." So that's good, but I can't help noticing the royal "we". Stay tuned. 
James Lileks wonders: "Have you ever asked yourself if there's something you can say today that you will not say next week?" Yes. The most worrisome thing about today's political climate is the number of things one cannot say. All opinions matter. 
As Instapundit notes: "we've moved from 'Blazing Saddles could not be made today' to 'No one will be allowed to watch Blazing Saddles'." 
One more: John Cleese on extremism. "Hard to tell if I recorded this 30 years or 10 minutes ago." Notably and encouragingly, linked by Boing Boing and Kottke, among many others. 
Very seldom have I laughed this hard: if Frazer Crane were still in Seattle. 
YES! Almost Famous cast and creators reunite for a 20th anniversary podcast series. My very favorite movie of all time. To this day, when a waiter asks if I want sparkling or still water, I yell: "STILLWATER!" 
Finally this blast from the past: 13 years ago Walt Mossberg reviewed the original iPhone. "One of the most important trends in personal technology over the past few year has been the evolution of the humble cellphone into a true handheld computer." Good call.