A Saturday night filter pass ... wow, it's all happening ...
Did you watch the Grammy's? Yeah, me neither. I love music, but I don't necessarily love all of today's music, and I especially don't love today's music's culture. But. If you, like me, did not watch the Grammy's, you must still watch Lady Gaga's incredible tribute to David Bowie. A wonderful performance, and the technology was out-of-this-world. The Thin White Duke would have loved it... and he probably did. 
Good to know: Lady Gaga's robotic keyboard had some help from NASA. When they're not making space travel posters, they're helping musicians create cool performances. Our tax dollars at work.
I don't know whether it was the travel posters, Lady Gaga's keyboard, or [more likely!] the success of The Martian, but NASA have been inundated with astronaut applications, 18,300 of them. Mine is somewhere in that pile, but I'm not sitting next to the phone. 
Meanwhile in the real world of space travel, Virgin Galactic unveils the new Space Ship Two (named the VSS Unity). You might recall their previous SST broke apart during an October 2014 test flight; they've regrouped, and now this is the vehicle they hope will enable them to take people into space. (Where by space, they mean, about 100km up, not necessarily visiting moons and planets...) 
I rate a "space flight" by Virgin Galactic significantly more likely to occur than a manned mission by NASA...
So ... today we had the South Carolina primaries, and as expected Donald Trump won, but as perhaps not expected Marco Rubio finished second, and Jeb Bush dropped out. At the conservative Powerline Blog, Scott Johnson regards this as bad news (because Trump remains ahead), while John Hinderaker sees reasons for optimism (because Rubio is emerging as they alternative). 
And Scott Adams finds reasons for humor ... the Pope vs Donald Trump: 
Speaking of humor, wow, Steve Martin performed stand-up last night for the first time in 35 years. Would that I could have been there... I've searched YouTube in vain but so far no video of the performance has surfaced. 
You might find this interesting (as I did), how a sewing machine works. This sort of ancient mechanical magic is always cool, right? The problems that people were able to solve without computers before computers... 
Chris Nuttall on publishers raising e-book prices: Reshuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. "I recall a story from the night the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank. The crew, realizing the ship was in trouble, started launching lifeboats, but the passengers were largely reluctant to believe that the unsinkable ship could actually be sunk. Accordingly, the first set of lifeboats were largely empty. Unsurprisingly, as the ship continued to sink below the waves, there weren't enough lifeboats to take the remaining passengers." The value of a book doesn't come from its production cost, but people will balk at paying the same prices for e-books as hardcovers... 
And here we have a breathtaking fairytale home worthy of a Hogwarts wizard. The woodworking on those floors is definitely wizard-ly magic :) 
