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super bored

Sunday,  02/07/16  10:48 PM

So, did you watch the Super Bowl?  (Of course you did!)  And did you think it was amazing?  (No, you did not...)  And did you watch the Super Ads?  (Of course you did!)  And what did you think, any of them stand out for you?  (No, they did not...) 

My friends and I did enjoy the game and the commercials (and the chili and the guacamole ... thanks Kevin!), but we failed to be wowed by any of it.  The two things which stuck out for me were 1) good defense beats good offense, and 2) the Audi ad featuring an aging astronaut driving an Audio R8, with a David Bowie soundtrack.

Wow, another Super Sunday has come and gone.  Onward into the year!

Mark Suster: Why Uber should go public.  Great post and great thinking.  Basically, they should go public because the scrutiny of public markets will force them to improve.  Interesting argument.  Of course you could argue the other way, that the need to deliver quarterly results works against innovation... 

Hmmmm..  Retail apocalypse: 2016 brings empty shelves and store closings all across America.  I haven't noticed this myself, but I could believe it is happening without my awareness.  What do you think? 

Meanwhile: Aetna joins growing chorus warning about ObamaCare failing.  Yeah, you could see this coming from a long way off.  They're running out of other people's money already.  (Which means, they'll be coming for more of ours...) 

Three ways the blockchain will change the real estate market.  This hasn't happened as quickly as I thought, but I still think it will happen.  Especially perhaps in connection with unmapped real estate, like asteroids and planets :) 

Hehe :)