Whew, what a day. Please remind me never to schedule an investor update and a software design review on the same day, especially if they're for two different companies. I survived and actually both went very well, but that was so much fun I might not do it again. Onward...
Do you think we've reached Peak Trump? I'm hoping ... yes. His overreaction to having "lost" in Iowa proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is not Presidential material. 
Hmmm... Minimum Wages Surged In 6 Cities Last Year; Then This Happened. "Wherever cities implemented big minimum-wage hikes to $10 an hour or more last year, the latest data through December show that job creation downshifted to the slowest pace in at least five years." Shocking. 
That's an interesting article, but Investors Business Daily has a horrible website. About 4MB of crap loads first, and then you get the only thing you care about ... the article itself.
Glenn Reynolds: 21st Century Headlines: Luxembourg to invest in space-based asteroid mining. Excellent! May the force be with them. 
Doc Searls: The Giant Zero. "A world without distance." Most thought-provoking... Proving once again that he can blog with the best of them :) 
Important work: Alternatives to Resting Bitch Face. In my family (four daughters) "RBF" is a well-recognized and often-used acronym... :) 
NASA helpfully explain: Ion Propulsion ... What is it? "Instead of heating the gas up or putting it under pressure, we give the gas xenon a little electric charge, then they're called ions, and we use a big voltage to accelerate the xenon ions through this metal grid and we shoot them out of the engine at up to 90,000 miles per hour." The Dawn spacecraft uses this technology. 
An interesting post from Robert X. Cringely: personal computers approach retirement age. He quotes himself from 25 years ago: "Don’t worry; you'll understand it in a few years, by which time they'll no longer be called PCs. By the time that understanding is reached, and personal computers have wormed into all our lives to an extent far greater than they are today, the whole concept of personal computing will probably have changed." Heh. 
Well, so much for blogging (yawn), I'm off to bed.
I think I'll watch Groundhog Day ... again.