Some non-Iditarod related things ... as the Ole filter makes a pass ...
Excellent: how to make a smartphone microscope. This is a huge opportunity, the current state-of-the-art for remote microscopy involves expensive complicated devices costing tens of thousands of dollars. An inexpensive solution would hugely expand the market. 
Glenn Reynolds links 100 skills every man should have, and comments "I don't see why writing snarky pithy blog posts was omitted from the list." Me either :) 
Powerline: the Obama administration's attack on the constitution, part 1: Immigration. "It is hard to imagine anything more flagrantly unconstitutional than Obama’s planned issuance of millions of work permits to illegal aliens who are prohibited from employment by the federal statutes." And part 2: Environmental Protection Agency. "What the EPA is doing, in attempting to refashion the nation’s electric power production system with no authorization from Congress, is both illegal and unconstitutional." And finally, White House exempts itself from Freedom of Information Act. That last link is to BoingBoing, hardly a bastion of anti-liberalism. 