Here we have a table held up by the buckets resting on it. Yay. Yeah, it's physics, not sorcery. The gravitational pull on the buckets pulls them down, which in turn pulls the table up. When the buckets are resting on the table they're still being pulled down, but the table counterbalances the force. As long as the buckets are heavier than the table, this is going to work.
Of "the power tower feeding frenzy" and hyper-large numbers. "You know how sometimes you go through life, and you’re lost but you don’t even know it, and then one day, the right person comes along and you realize what you had been looking for this whole time? That’s how I feel about Graham’s number." I love this; all the ways to represent really big finite numbers. What's especially cool is that each notation "maxes out", and then a new notation is needed to keep going. (Yes, Virginia, we are told there are an infinite number of notational systems, but we aren't told what they are :) After you think about this for a while, you realize ... whoa. 
Hey guess what? NASA have successfully launched Orion! This is the next step in a progression that eventually puts people on Mars. Yippee. 
The YotaPhone. Two sides, zero gimmicks. Not such a terrible idea, really ... the e-ink side can always be on for notifications, and respond to input without unlocking, while the LCD side is for more directed interactions. Wouldn't mind trying this. 
Asking the important questions: What if girls were browsers? What if guys were social networks? Hehe. 
