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filter pass

Sunday,  05/11/14  08:43 PM

Hi all hope you had a great Mother's Day!  At the end of the a nice long weekend, the Ole filter makes a pass...

Have you noticed that more and more websites are targeting "wide" browser window widths, to the point where content doesn't even display properly in narrower windows?  Not good.  I understand that lots of people maximize their browser now, and use tabs, but lots of people don't, too.  Websites should work no matter what. 

Another whiny observation: Now that computers are so fast, how come applications take *forever* to launch?  I was playing on an old Win XP machine and double-clicked a PDF, and poof! Acrobat Reader launched and poof! the file was displayed.  On my Win 7 machine I double-click a PDF and (yawn) it takes forever for Adobe Reader to launch and display the file.  Not sure whether to blame Win 7 or Adobe Reader, probably both.  Cruft! 

So you can use it (and I can find it later): Here's how to clear out all your Message Attachments to reclaim a ton of space on your IOS device.  I just removed 3GB from my iPad.  It works. 

Danny Crichton: A personal reflection on Google+.  Seems my sloth in ignoring Google+ has been rewarded.  Honestly Google+ was never something I didn't get, but it was always something I didn't want. 

In which Robert Scoble restarts blogging: Knock, knock, is this thing on?  I went through the same loop - blogging, blogging+Facebook, Facebook only, and back to blogging+Facebook - albeit less publicly than Robert.  Welcome back to the blogosphere :) 

Awesome: America's next fleet of spaceships will have to double as lifeboats.  Amazing that there are six people living in the ISS and we hardly ever hear about it.  Might make an interesting reality show? 

Uranus, seen from Saturn.  And no, this is not from a movie.  Cassini seems to be the space photography gift that keeps on giving. 

I actually don't think this will happen: Apple buying Beats could radically transform the music business.  When was the last time Apple did anything like this?  And when did we ever hear about it beforehand? 

Did you enjoy Draft Day?  I did.  And did you enjoy the real draft day?  Seems like it was even better than the movie.  Who would have predicted that Cleveland would end up with Johnny Manziel, on the 22nd pick? 

Yeah?  When did guys start talking like valley girls?  Stop, like, using like, dude.