(Yawn) Whew a long day, starting with a breakfast presentation to investors and finishing with a nice Chardonnay, with a four-hour meeting about JSON APIs in between. Meanwhile, it's all happening...
So, who is the reclusive billionaire creator of Bitcoin? Turns out he's apparently been found, his name *is* Satoshi Nakamoto, and he's not a billionaire, except perhaps "on paper". Excellent. 
Meanwhile, Ars Technica have created Arscoin, their own custom cybercurrency, and the Winklevii have paid for a trip into space using Bitcoin. Is this a great time to be alive, or what?
NASA says it wants to go to Jupiter's crazy moon, Europa. No word yet on whether you can hitch a ride if you pay in Bitcoin, but nothing would surprise me anymore :) 
Don't you love Salon? Just kidding. Over the years they've gone from being an interesting source of liberal points of view to a sad shadow of their former selves. I find the difference is that now their writers are ill-informed and stupid, where before they were just ... wrong :) 
Speaking of wrong: Los Angeles becomes the latest city to ban e-cigarettes. Seriously? I live in a nanny state, and I don't like it. 
From GigaOm: Lit Motors is awesome, but let's be realistic. In which a new entrant in the electric vehicle market is celebrated and counted out all at the same time. Obviously there's a steep ramp to success and many have failed, but let's root for them and not predestine their failure. They will have to raise a little more than $1M to succeed, however... 
Inhabitat: Mind-blowing photographs of Earth taken from space. Way cool.