So tonight the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, were officially opened, and I must say I though the ceremony was way cool. Those projected images on the arena floor were about the coolest thing ever. Some screen grabs:


Yeah so that one ring malfunctioned, so what. It was cool.

This kid was great

Very Russian, and very cool

Ta da! And now for the march of nations...
(in Cyrillic alphabet order, which was different and fun)

The US team looked good, for once; nice kit

These giant hanging "floats" were amazing

Pretty much my favorite part, these projected images were unbelievable

Very cool. Also very 1950s feeling.

And how about this, at the end of the factory floor thing?

Time for the doves of peace

And Misha the bear

The games are now officially open!


And the obligatory lighting of the torch by ex-Olympic champions

Unlike a lot of people, I'm mentally downplaying the whole US vs Russia thing and just looking forward to the competition. Skiing, Skating, Snowboarding, Sledding, Hockey, and of course Curling! Should be a great couple of weeks...