I spent the afternoon working on spreadsheets in a bar. It was so cool, at first there was nobody, and then gradually people showed up, and then more people, and finally there was a point where everyone was there and it was like, wow, who's that nerd with the laptop?
So, that icebreaker sent to rescue the stuck icebreaker filled with climate scientists? Stuck. I know weather isn't climate, but still...
Saw American Hustle tonight. Meh. Kind of a waste of all those great actors ... I feel like it could have been better. It's such an interesting story, too... 
Truth is stranger than Onion: Giant Rubber Ducky Bursts Before a Crowd in Taiwan. Let's hope it gets repaired and reinflated soon! 
This is too bad: Santiago Calatrava to Face Legal Action as Valencia's "White Elephant" Opera House Falls Apart. Such a beautiful building, too, but I guess the beauty was only skin deep. 
From the inimitable esr: The lost art of C structure packing. Ah, yes, I remember DSECTs and XLs too... :)( 
Excellent: Massive 100,000-Piece K’Nex Ball Machine at The Works Museum in Minnesota. Some people have too much time on their hands, and I'm so glad they do. 
In the same vein: Apple Engineer Uses LEGO Bricks to Build Machine That Writes Messages and Draws Pictures! It's amazing what people do with lego... 
So, what can you get these days for $51B? (Yeah, that's a B) How about the Sochi winter Olympics? Seriously, does anyone truly believe these events pay for themselves? 
Hehe: New Years' resolutions of an anteater. "That’s right, you guessed it, I’m gonna eat a shit ton more ants." 