Quite a day today, may I live in interesting times indeed. If variety is the spice of life, mine is presently an oriental curry. Stay tuned, I shall explain, but probably not 'till Friday :) Meanwhile, it's all happening...
This picture is from Ramon Bruin, a Dutch artist clearly following in the footsteps of his countryman M.C.Escher. Wow!
Walt Mossberg's goodbye column in the Wall Street Journal. "This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technology products here. So I thought I'd talk about the dozen personal-technology products I reviewed that were most influential over the past two decades." His list is chronological, not prioritized, but there's no question, #1 is Google's search. I wonder if a similar list in 10 years will include eyesFinder's visual search? :) 
Excellent: Tesla to debut Model E at 2015 Detroit Auto show. "The Model E, as rumored to be named, will have a price tag of $25,000 to $35,000, and will be a mid-sized sedan." That ought to shake things up a bit! 
Panoramic image of Curiosity Rover under Mars' night sky. Kewl! 
(please view fullscreen for maximum kewlness)
Glen Reynolds wonders: China and the moon, is a territorial claim coming? "On Saturday, a Chinese lunar probe made the first soft landing anyone's made on the moon since 1976. The Chang'e-3 probe means that China is one of only three countries -- joining the United States and the old Soviet Union -- to accomplish such a feat... will China try to claim the ground it explores? Possibly." If they do, it might re-ignite US interest in the moon, which has waned in favor of Mars missions in the years since. 
From Dave Winer: Hello World for Dropbox. I have to check this out... there's something important here. 
Cuteness overload: Darcy the Flying Hedgehog. Awww... :) 
Just noticed the time on this post is 9:39. I can't help it, this is my time; seems like whenever I look at a clock, that's the time which is displayed. It all started when I was 19, and my then-girlfriend's sail number was 939...