On the road again ... blogging from 3rd Corner while enjoying Mahi and Pinot. You have been warned...
Hehe ... be the first of your friends to like this post :) But they should have added a comment area too... 
Excellent picture of a most excellent boat ... sailing around the harbor. Note the extensive crew :) 
Scott "Dilbert" Adams: The Right Priority. "If you had to pick one priority in your life, could you do it?" Hmmm.... 
Scott Loftesness notes, such an elegant custom, writing a thank you letter! Thanks for that, Scott :) 
Lust: the belt-driven Devon Tread watch. Weird how much human energy has gone into creation of timepieces for the wrist. At this point everyone gets time from their phone, but watches live on as elegant jewelry, and in some cases, sculpture. 
Pretty cool: a Dubai "hyperlapse". Wow, what a place. Kind of like an experiment, what would happen if you dumped billions of dollars in the middle of the desert. 
Slingshots in space? A helpful video from the International Space Station, featuring demos. Of course for every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction... 
I loved this: Space Needle turned into giant Angry Birds slingshot. Think of the time it took to plan and build this. And yet, maybe it was worth it :) 
(do you think they'll make it to the ISS? Maybe!)
Zooborn of the day: a baby polar bear! Awww... 
Here's some news you can use: women who drink wine every day say they have better sex. Yet another reason, if any were needed, to drink wine!