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Monday,  11/18/13  08:36 PM

Another quiet day, coding away, just me and Reginald...

So, what do you think, is boarding a moving train the way to speed up rail travel?  It certainly worked wonders for ski lifts :)  I've often pondered the "friction" inherent in starting and ending journeys; consider air travel, by the time you've driven to the airport, parked, passed through security, and boarded, you've probably used nearly as much time as your flight.  This is one of the most compelling things about cars, you get in, and you're off... 

An amazing image of the elusive big-fin squid.  Wow.  The creatures of the deep blue sea are incredible. 

An update in whale/dolphin friendshop news.  "Dolphins in a French aquarium seem to be 'speaking' whale—making whale-sounding noises at night that mimic the actual whale noises they hear all day on the soundtrack to the aquarium dolphin show they perform in. These dolphins have never met real whales. But dolphins are known mimics and it seems that they're capable of practicing and improving on mimicked sounds hours after the sound has gone away."  So cool. 

blech: Pinot Noir in a can launched.  Seriously? 

An interesting restrospective from my former colleague David Sacks: Why the Paypal 'mafia' was so great.  People ask me all the time, and my answer is simple: IQ.  Unquestionable the smartest group of people I've ever had the pleasure of working with. 

Attending meetings lowers IQ.  Well, duh.  There were very few meetings at PayPal, and those that did take place were quick and effective. 

Paul Graham: Frightening ambitous startup ideas.  "Don’t worry, it’s not a sign of weakness. Arguably it’s a sign of sanity. The biggest startup ideas are terrifying. And not just because they’d be a lot of work. The biggest ideas seem to threaten your identity: you wonder if you’d have enough ambition to carry them through."  #1 on his list is "a new search engine".  Hmmm :) 

More about this here, on Kottke.  I like #6 on this list: We're going to make an IQ-enhancing drug and produce basic change in the human condition.  Excellent!

Wrapping up, to go with yesterday's baby hedgehog, here we have a baby sloth wearing pajamas.  Hehe :)