Wrapping up the quarter, a quick filter pass... I can't believe this; diet soda makes you fat. Sigh. Apparently the fake sugar makes you hungry, and you eat other stuff, and increase your caloric intake. Maybe I'll just drink gallons of coffee :) Doc Searles on the joy of flying, specifically, looking out the window while flying. I agree. Apparently the new Boeing 787 is designed with larger windows which you can darken electronically, how cool is that? Doc also praises United, and I would agree; despite their historical bad rap due to bad service, I find them to be much improved. Scoble: why yo mamma won't use Google+. So far I'm not planning to use it either. This is such a network effect; since all of my friends are already on Facebook, why would I switch to Google+? It would have to be massively better, and all my friends would have to think so. Having two different networks would be worse yet. (You can remind me I said this after Google+ rules the world, I've been wrong before :)
John Gruber links Clayton Miller: own a shape. Can you identify with the shapes below?