Today was the most beautiful day imaginable; I celebrated with a nice ride around Lake Westlake. I didn't have the time but I did it anyway, and I'm glad I did :)
The Tillerman examines Fairness and Laser sailing. He is correct, everything is equal except the sails, and this inequality is important. Still the class remains of a one-design than just about all others, 40 years after it was first started. 
You wasted 34 hours in traffic in 2009. Good to know. But with a nice car and a great stereo, maybe it wasn't wasted... 
A video of the Tesla Model S, driving. I am still wowed.
Perfect for wasting time in traffic :) 
HTML5 has a logo. Yay. There a technical thing called HTML5, but I'm starting to feel there's also a marketing buzzword, which is only loosely related...