Tron is awesome!
yes of course you must see it, in a theater, immediately
and then see it again, and again
vivid and liquid, the look is amazing
maximal delicious flowing eye candy
(you could imagine all sorts of Tron -themed stuff)
oh and must mention the Real 3D
only in the Tron world, not the real world
perhaps the best 3D yet
loud and multichannel cool
the music and sound effects were spectacular
(yay Daft Punk soundtrack and they appear as DJs)
the plot was a bit contrived
and the philosophy laid on a little thick
(we don't want these movies to preach to us)
but yeah, it was all good
the light cycles were
and wait 'till you see the light jets :)
Jeff Bridges was, well, Jeff Bridges
both 1985 and 2010 versions
Garrett Hedlund (Sam) is great
a bit wooden, a smile or two wouldn't have hurt
Olivia Wilde (Quorra) was transcending
perfect casting
and Michael Sheen (Castor) stole the bar scene
(reminded me of the Merovingian)
more than anything else though is the grid
the world of Tron is incredible
and I'm sure we will be back