I am reloading after a great weekend; slept in (what a luxury), went mountain biking, saw Pat Benatar with all my girls (Megan's first concert!), and brunched at the Lake, with useful amounts of uninterrupted work time in between. I needed that! Just wish I had another day just like it... and man I have a busy schedule; Vista next week, Boston + Baltimore the week after, Chicago the week after that. You may never hear from me again :)
...but I will squeeze in a filter pass while I can...
Seeing Pat Benatar was awesome... and the Canyon Club is a perfect venue, an intimate dive with the perfect ambiance for this kind of show. Pat hasn't lost her kick; check out this video of "Heartbreaker". And her husband Neil Giraldo (aka "Spyder") still has a blazing guitar. Coolest thing was being able to shoot this video with my Pre phone in realtime, and then immediately upload it to Facebook, while I was there. It isn't HD but the technology to do this at all is amazing. 
A highlight from the show was Invincible, which Pat introduced nicely, alluding to 9/11; "we can't afford to be innocent, it's a do or die situation, we will be Invincible". Chills.
It was a quiet 9/11, huh? And a quiet 9/12, too... there were remembrances and tributes, but it was all rather muted. I know I will never forget. Let's hope we all don't, collectively. 
I liked Gerard Vanderleun's remembrance, including that fabulous New Yorker cover from Sept, 24, 2001...
Glen Reynolds had a nice little collection of links, too.
This is awesome: the Rotterdam Football Club's headquarters. How cool is that? 
I have not really been following the Vuelta, but I see where Carlos Barredo won stage 15 up the famous Lagos de Covadonga climb. I remember it well! Looks like Vincenzo Nibali has a 4s lead over Joaquim Rodriquez in the overall GC. So be it. 
Telemedicine is totally becoming a reality; Randall Parker considers the possibilities of teleanesthesia. Like other specialists the logistics of having anesthesiologists present makes scheduling surgeries more difficult. Perhaps someday an entire surgery will be conducted remotely. For sure digital pathology is making remote intraoperative consultations feasible! 
The other night Shirley and I watched "Killers", quite possibly the silliest movie of all time. (Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 0% :) The plot made no sense, the characters were cardboard cutouts ... and yet, it was fun. Watching Katherine Heigl is always fun (!) and Shirley would say the same about Ashton Kutcher, Tom Selleck and Catherine O'Hara was great, and best of all the entire opening took place at the Hotel du Cap in Cap d'Antibes, France. What can I say, mindless entertainment, but at least it wasn't pretentious... 
We continue to enjoy our "old" AppleTV, which is perfect for impulse buying movies; we were watching within five minutes of having had the idea.
Motto for the week: Two weirds don't make a normal. Cheers!