So yesterday I did nothing, and today I did something even more rare: I worked on something other than work. In between I worked on my family (we had a great brunch at the lake) and my tan (cycling leaves weird tan lines, so sitting out by the pool occasionally is a must). And also my blog...
Tomorrow Alex is off to Uganda on a mission with Oaks Christian school. We're not terribly religious but we like Oaks a lot, it is a great school, and opportunities like this are a big part of the reason. What an experience it will be for her... can't wait to hear all about it, and to see all her pictures. Did you know... 
- Uganda is about the size of Oregon, landlocked in the middle of Africa
- Uganda has about 30M people
- Uganda's capital is Kampala
- The official language is English
- 51% of the people live on or below $1.25/day
I have been reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, the third and last in Steig Larsson's fantastic "The Girl Who..." series, and have loving it... I cannot tell you why they are so addictive, but they are... 
A great video: America Rising. Check it out! [ via Powerline ] 
Farewell, Dr. Demento! This weekend was his last broadcast, after 40 years on the air. Wow. You might be like me, you might say "wow, he's still on the air?", but I can tell you as a teenager I loved his show. Awesome. 
Yippee I have fixed the Sailing Anarchy RSS feed. I know you've been waiting - for months - but it's working again. To celebrate, here's a picture of an awesome foiling cat, looks like of like the same principle as l'Hydroptere, where the foils help resist heeling as well as reducing wetted surface drag. Cool.