Quiet little Sunday... still in recovery from the ride yesterday... we did a little shopping (that was fun) and I got caught up on email and status and so on from last week. I find I fall behind when I travel, and it takes time to catch up. Have a busy week ahead, too; will be on the road *again* and next weekend I will no doubt be blogging about having fallen behind and catching up...
So... can you even believe it is May already? May! I must admit as I look back on this year a lot has happened, but it is *really* hard to comprehend that 1/3 of 2010 has already passed by.
You already know the United Nations is beyond parody, but this is incredible: U.N. Elects Iran to Commission on Women's Rights. "Without fanfare, the United Nations this week elected Iran to its Commission on the Status of Women, handing a four-year seat on the influential human rights body to a theocratic state in which stoning is enshrined in law and lashings are required for women judged 'immodest.'" I can't think of *anything* which could top this for sheer lunacy. If I were king I would stop U.S. support for the U.N. immediately. 
This is correct: 'Immigration' isn't the problem. "Very few Americans, on the other hand, are inherently opposed to immigration. For the most part, the controversy we face isn't about immigration at all. It's about the systematic failure of federal government to enforce the law or offer rational policy. There's a difference." Indeed. 
I'm linking this just for the excellent use of the Talking Heads' Once in a Lifetime: iPad 3G jailbroken: same as it ever was. 
And you may ask yourself, what it is good for? I found a pretty good use for the iPad last night – reading and replying to email while soaking in the bath. Of course you have to be careful not to drop the iPad into the water, and it is kind of heavy. Other than that, I put it firmly in the dancing bear category, cool but not useful.
BTW we can put the consistently clueless Leander Kahney in the "I'm confused about Flash" category. 
Here we have the Palm Pilots that never were. In some cases there are interesting ideas, others, not so much. My favorite is the folding screen; the tradeoff between big screen and small device remains unsolved. 
Just in case you're as much of a geek as I am, and so I can find it later: Sed: An introduction and tutorial. The best reference I've found for this amazingly powerful and infuriating tool :)