March, whew. And I am back in Vista, for the week, double whew. Living in a hotel room and eating out constantly is definitely taking a toll. After this week I have less need to be in the office, but will be spending time on the road elsewhere... so be it.
Among the positives of being on the road, I've discovered I really like elliptical trainers. Might have to get one for home (if I'm ever there long enough to use it :) And while working on elliptical trainers, have rediscovered how much I hate dislike CNN. They don't even pretend it's actual news anymore, it is like some weird reality show.
Will Obama still be blaming Bush in 2012? Yes. 
Technoccult: The philosophy of punk rock mathematics. "The point of punk ... was that ANYone could get the experience of being in a band, of performing in front of peers, of expressing yourself, without there being a prerequisite to participate. This blew my mind, and it was that conversation that turned me from a nascent douchebag into a self-aware poser." 
There's a new Tivo in town, the Series 4 aka XL. I'm not clear on the advantages over the Series 3, maybe 1080p output? I continue to love my Series 3 a lot, but not sure what else I would want... maybe a 3rd tuner? Or more disk space!