Ah, a lazy Sunday. A freezing cold overcast lazy Sunday. A day on which I have a number of things to accomplish, including decorating our newly acquired Christmas tree, preparing for a long week, and getting in a ride, freezing cold overcast lazy Sunday. But first, a teeny bit o' bloggin'...
So yesterday we had some of the best college football of the year, or maybe ever; I'm going to count Thursday night's Civil War between Oregon and Oregon State, since I watched it yesterday, which Oregon won 37-33 to win the Pac 10 and go to the Rose Bowl, then Cincinnati eeked out a 45-44 final over Pittsburgh to win the Big East and a BCS berth (great game), then the biggie, #2 Alabama soundly defeating #1 Florida 32-13 to win the SEC and play in the BCS championship; I think Mark Ingram solidified his inside track on this year's Heisman too. Oh and then, the best game of them all, #3 Texas beating Nebraska 13-12 on a last-second field goal to win the Big 12 and join Alabama in the BCS championship bowl. Also in there, Arizona upset USC (boo!), and Washington upset California (boo!) to keep the Pac 10's rep for turmoil alive. Wow. 
Can I just say, I think Pam Oliver is the best. Sideline reporter, etc. Did you know she is 48? Wow. 
Remember Lala? Or maybe you use it? I was infatuated with it for a while, a nice streaming music service. In the end I fell back to my default random-playing from iTunes, but I did like it. Anyway apparently Apple has bought them; there is speculation to kill them off, or perhaps to have help building an "iTunes in the cloud" product. 
This is cool: student radically improves UK plug. If you've ever used one, you know they could use radical improvement; they're bigger than some of the devices they connect :) Nice design. 
The thing keeping Chrome from being my daily browser is the lack of extensions (lack of Adblock specifically!); apparently Chrome is about to get extensions, yay! Most of the early ones are Google-specific, but over time you can anticipate all sorts of stuff, including Adblock... 
Carly Fiorina on regular mammograms and Obamacare. A pretty compelling take from someone who has personal experience with cancer. Also gives you a sense of the calm intelligence she would bring to being our Senator, instead of [arg!] Barbara Boxer... 
Dilbert on climategate. I love it. 
Enjoy the day!