A quiet week, lots of people on vacation, lots of people shifting to "Holiday mode". Spending time on planning for next year, and reflecting on this year. It was a tough one for all of us, but could have been much worse.
Cyclelog: yet another Rockstore. Twelveth day in a row but who's counting :)
Where has the Obama thrill gone? "A righteous anger about an Obama trifecta - of serial apologies and bows abroad, massive borrowing and deficit spending, and government-take overs of private spheres of life - is swelling up in the electorate." I see it all around me, the disillusionment is palpable.

Xeni Jardin: Hope is fading. If President Obama's lost Xeni, then he's lost.
If only Barack Obama were more like Sarah Palin. "The animating spirit that electrified his political movement has sputtered out..." I agree with Glenn Reynolds' take: "Obama's 'charisma' was based on voter narcissism - people excited not just about electing a black President, but about themselves, voting for a black President."
Unbelievable watch of the day: the Concord C1 QuantumGravity. Just when you think you've seen it all, you realize "it all" is so much more than you thought. Despite the massive size I would love to wear this watch; it is so bizarre... the price isn't given, but I am sure if you have to ask, you can't afford it. Limited edition of *ten*. 
Wow, this is excellent: Virgin Galactic's Space-Grazing Aircraft Is Ready for Liftoff. [Somewhat] the start of space tourism, right? (Although we must note, this spacecraft is not going into orbit or anything, just high enough to reach "space" and return. Trips to the Moon and Mars will be coming soon :)