Another beautiful day in paradise, spent watching football (three games back-to-back), working, and generally enjoying. After a generally cool year (especially summer) this has been a hot Fall, at least so far...
Cyclelog: Rockstore *again*, 28 miles. Me and a kazillion motos. Eleventh day of riding in a row, and it is still not easier.
Dinner last night was exceptional, L'Opera in Long Beach, one of our favorites. Had a 2004 Tenuta dell'Ornellaia which was unbelievable. At this point I am rarely astonished by a wine, but this was so powerful and delicious, we were amazed. 
After which, we went to our friends Benny and Jan's Beaujolais Nouveau party, which was really fun; I am not necessarily a fan of Beaujolais, but my education in French wines continues. And it was a great time seeing some old sailing friends.
Barack Obama... we elected a candidate. Run run run. 
And so to get a health care bill passed, the Democratic leadership in the Senate has bought Mary Landrieu's vote for $100M. Disgusting. Federal aid to a state (Louisiana), disguised as healthcare reform. Blech.
Turns out Mary Landrieu wants us to know, her vote didn't just cost $100M, it cost $300M. Oh. Triple Blech.
Neuhaus Labs T-2 amplifier uses tubes. "Of course, the T-2 Amplifier has ruined my life. All my other audio equipment now sounds like ass." I could so get into tube amps. But better I don't go there. 
Is this really an animal? The curiously named Sea Cucumber. Amazing. 