A really long day, whew. Up at 0400, drove down to Vista, and meetings and presentations and conferences all morning, over lunch, all afternoon, and over dinner. I know, I know, queue the violins.
Cyclelog: squeezed in a tough 25 miler through Vista, down to Oceanside, and along the beach back to Carlsbad. Man I needed that...
Maserati abuse! If you drink, don't drive. And if you drive like Michael Schumacher, don't mix a drink :) [ thanks, Craig ] 
Today was my first on the road with my new Win 7 laptop. I enjoyed the battery life :) Didn't have any problems with WiFi, which was good, but missed Sprint PCS (my new laptop has an Express Card slot, so I had to order a new Sprint modem). Win 7 is rock solid at going to sleep and waking up, and hot docking. I don't like the trackpad support; you have to click to give focus to a window before brushing the pad scrolls. This might be a configuration option; must investigate. Anyway still so far so good. 
Actually I have to say there is one thing definitely better about Win 7: the way Explorer handles image thumbnails. Under XP rendering thumbnails was excruiatingly slow and buggy. Not any more. Yay.
The eight best questions we got while raising money. A guest post on TechCrunch by Glenn Kelman, CEO of Redfin. They are all great. Interesting that Roelof Botha of Sequoia is featured prominently; I remember Roelof as a colleague, he was CFO of PayPal in the early days. Whip smart. I am not surprised he is a successful investor :) 
The Alliance for Code Excellence is selling Bad Code Offsets. I love it. 
I know a few people / companies who should be investing in these...