Happy Anniversary to Origin of Species, Charles Darwin's amazing work, unquestionably the most important work of natural philosophy ever published. On the occasion of the work's 150th anniversary, New Scientist has a great survey by Steve Jones, Origin of Species Revisited:
Unique among scientific theories, evolutionary biology finds its roots in a popular book by a single author. Darwin presented a new and radical view of existence: that life has changed over time and space, in part through a simple process called natural selection. To a modern reader Origin of Species seems lengthy indeed, with only a single illustration to enliven its 150,000 words. But Darwin was a clear thinker and the book is an impressive piece of advocacy.
It is amazing that after all this time, all the evidence in favor, and all the debate, there are *still* so many people who don't think this theory is true. Apparently about 40% of U.S. citizens. Clear evidence of the ongoing influence of 2,000-year-old religious teachings in our present day lives.