A day of coding, and a nice hard ride. Good stuff...
With much football and baseball left to watch. Enjoyed the games yesterday while coding :)
TechCrunch notes Google equals Apple in value, talking about market cap, which for both is $169B. Quick, without looking, which has more revenue? (GOOG $22B and AAPL $36B) Which has more employees? (GOOG 20K and AAPL 34K) Interesting. And also interesting to compare both to Microsoft, with a market cap of $252B, revenues of $56B, and 93K employees). Comparing the stock prices over the last five years (right), AAPL is up 600% (green), GOOG is up 200% (blue), and MSFT is flat at 0% (red). What do you think this will look like in five years from today? 
The WSJ remembers Ten years ago, when online groceries were all the rage. Man do I remember WebVan, we loved them, and used the heck out of them. But there was no business there, and they ended up one of the biggest bombs of the dot-com era. Hard to believe that was ten years ago. 
Well this is cool: an Armada of Robots to explore Titan! As you all know my "out there" goal is to visit Titan, but maybe I won't physically visit it, maybe it will be a virtual trip using robots as sensors. Now that would be cool! 
News you can use: how to open a bottle of wine with your shoe. Amazing. I would suggest trying this with TJ's crap before doing this with a bottle of Mayacamus, but who knows, it could come in handy...