Tonight we celebrated Alex' 16th birthday (which isn't really 'till Tuesday), had all the girls home, and it was great fun, much laughing and telling of stories. Yes I must show off:

Nicole, Megan, Alexis, Jordan, Shirley
Earlier I was able to get some work done and for the first time in a while did my "usual" ride around the lake and through Hidden Valley. All set, ready for another tough week!
But first, a little blogging...
Rich Lowry: They think we're stupid. "The Obama team is saddled with a foundering health-care strategy. But it has a fallback plan - relying on the sheer dimwitted gullibility of the American public. How stupid do they think we are?" Actually the public are pretty stupid, amplified by a stupid media. But still, this is not going to fly. 
I actually don't think the Obama team think we're stupid though, I think they think they're right, and that we'll see they are given time. Unfortunately they're wrong, and we're all going to see it together. History is not on their side.
Ann Althouse: "Basically, Obama has a big problem. He got lots of people to trust him, chiefly by speaking in vague generalities. It only works from a distance." And for a short time... 
It was only a matter of time: Tell your story! 
This is excellent, Performance, by MC Spandex. Well done in addition to being dead on and funny. 
Avatar: How James Cameron's 3D film could change the face of cinema forever. This will be interesting; it seems almost certain that someday all movies will be 3D, and perhaps this will be seen as the pioneer. The premise behind the movie is pretty cool; humans on Earth have their brains wired into aliens on another planet. Cool... 
Amazing new fossil photos. Including the 47 million-year-old jewel beetle shown at left. Wow. 
Via Sailing Anarchy, check out this movie about the 505 Worlds. How fun would it be to race against 100 505s in San Francisco Bay? 
Onward, into the week... I cannot promise to blog every day, I'll try, but be patient with me if I can't, and stay tuned :)