Last night I attended my Caltech class of '79 thirty year reunion. Wow, thirty years. It gives me goose bumps just typing those words. I was looking forward to it, but it was even more fun than I anticipated. There were about thirty members of my class present - out of about 250 total, I think - and about ten people from my "house", Ricketts House, one of the seven undergraduate dorms. The weird thing is we're all 50+ instead of 20+, but people don't change. Honestly everyone looks, acts, thinks, and is exactly the way I remember them.
I had gone to my twenty year reunion (sorry, no link, that was pre-blogging) and that was fun, but it was different; as I noted the other day, at 50+ you're a lot more relaxed than at 40+, or at least I am... It was thoroughly enjoyable to be among a group where everyone accepts everyone else without question. And they're all really smart; which makes them really interesting. I could spend any amount of time hanging out. I'm looking forward to our fortieth year reunion already!