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Spent today working from home, unusually for a Tuesday; this is my "meeting day" so I was on the 'phone for most of it... was able to do a little work in parallel, but only a little... and then I joined the Red Group of the Conejo Valley Cyclists; they ride every Tuesday, but I can't usually join them, so this was a nice treat. I needed a good hard ride, I have a double coming up Saturday, and my brain needed defogging.
Boing Boing: Democratic North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan Saw What Was Coming (and no one listened!) "'I think we will look back in 10 years' time and say we should not have done this but we did because we forgot the lessons of the past, and that that which is true in the 1930's is true in 2010,' said Senator Byron L. Dorgan, Democrat of North Dakota." That was in 1999. Good call. From Inhabitat: top ten greenwash. "Now that green is trendy, marketers are starting see green when they hear the term ‘green’. As the green movement grows, so does the amount of ‘green-wash’ out there - stuff that is marketed to look ‘green’, organic or healthy, but in reality is anything but." 1) ‘Eco-shaped’ bottled water, 2) Hybrid SUVs, 3) Carbon credits.
Wow, who would have guessed? TechCrunch reports Facebook Relents: Users Get More Control With Redesign Tweaks. Wow, I can't wait. I've basically stopped using Facebook, it is that much worse than it was. Nine good things the Internet has ruined forever. A good list. #1 is privacy, #2 is journalism, and #5 is OMG Lists :) Chris Anderson: My letter to the Economist. "As a former Economist technology writer, I understand the attractions of 'simplify, then exaggerate'. But in the case of your article on freeconomics ('The end of free lunch—again', March 19th), you have done a bit too much of both." I read that article, and I thought so too...
Well so far my "don't post so much" resolution isn't working out very well. Good night! ![]() |
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