Good morning! And happy 123456890 day to you... In the dawn of time, the Unix owls decided that June 1, 1970 was the start of all recorded time, and they decreed that henceforth all time should be measured in the number of seconds from that moment. And they saw that it was good. And so it is that today, at 6:31:30PM, it will have been exactly 1,234,567,890 seconds from "time zero". Please be sure to celebrate!

I have big plans, actually; Shirley and I are celebrating Valentine's Day tonight because 1) we want to go to Brandywine, one of our favorite restaurants (so we can enjoy their incredible chateaubriand for two), and we don't want to go tomorrow, because [like many restaurants] they only have a prix fixe on V-day, and 2) our daughter Alexis is leaving for Costa Rica tomorrow night (!). So in addition to celebrating everything else we will pause for a brief geeky moment and toast 1234567890 day. I hope you do too!