I'm actually making progress on my todo list! Yay. And had a few productive conversations, and made two count 'em two useful decisions. And I took the world's slowest and coldest ride today; it was 40o; I'm still frozen, three hours later. I think I'll take the rest of the day off. But first, this:
Of all the things which are crappy in Windows Explorer - and there are many - the crappiest is the way it manages image thumbnails. The whole feature is tectonically slow, buggy, and hard to use. The filmstrip is a joke; it could be useful, but it is just way too slow and buggy. Really I cannot see how they whole thing ever shipped. Whenever I try to use thumbnails in Explorer I toy with the idea of writing an app from scratch to replace it. So far I haven't done so, but I got awfully close last night... 
TheScientist features Darwin vs. his Dad, c 1931. In this letter Darwin summarizes his father's objections to a voyage around the world as a naturalist: 
- disreputable to my character as a clergyman hereafter
- a wild scheme
- that they must have offered to many others the place of naturalist
- and from it not being accepted there must be some serious objection to the vessel or expedition
- that I should never settle down to a steady life hereafter
- that my accommodations would be most uncomfortable
- that you should consider it as again changing my profession
- that it would be a useless undertaking
How classic. The letter changed his father's mind, Darwin's life, and perhaps the course of the world.
The Onion: Sony releases new stupid piece of shit that doesn't fucking work. Hilarious :) 
This looks pretty cool: LovelyCharts. Perhaps a great new way to make network diagrams. I use Visio now, and it isn't easy enough. I notice you can save them off as a PNG, too. Very cool. 
Spam of the day: Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall - Confucius.