<<< Sunday, January 11, 2009 11:56 AM


now facebooking >>>

now tweeting

Sunday,  01/11/09  04:25 PM

Hi y'all...  well, I'm trying something new with Twitter.  If you're a regular reader you know I haven't found tweets to be particularly exciting; there seems like a lot of "chatter" and not much actual information.  But so many people are finding Twitter to be so useful that I'm continuing to hang in there; maybe I just don't get it yet.

My friend Gary suggested that I use Twitter as a way to notify people that I've posted something new.  Sort of like an RSS feed, but immediate PUSH instead of delayed PULL.  Who knows, maybe you would find that useful :)  Therefore, as an experiment I've rigged it so that every time I post to my blog, I tweet about it.  You could follow me and thereby know immediately if I post something.

We'll see whether y'all find this useful; if you have an opinion please share it!