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Blogging on a Sunday in October, cold outside (50s), with the wind howling. It's not summer anymore... meanwhile it is all happening... From my archives, a four-year-old post which describes perfectly how I feel today: I wish it was over. "I don't know about you, but personally I can't wait until this election is over. Of course it probably won't be over next Tuesday either, more's the pity. As we get closer to the election, I find my blood boiling on a daily basis. We seem to have lost civility and reason this time around. I have my point of view, you have yours, let's respectfully exchange views and make our own decisions. But let's not tell lies. Let's not exaggerate things, and spin everything one way or another. Let's not call each other names. Let's make an effort to understand each other's point of view, even if we disagree with it." Seems the more things change, the more they, er, don't. A good call, from May 2006: "We are concerned that if effective regulatory reform legislation for the housing-finance government sponsored enterprises is not enacted this year, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole". Signed, John McCain. All twenty Senators who signed the letter calling attention to the urgency of reforming Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac were Republicans. After May 2006, the Democrats continued to use Fannie and Freddy as their private slush funds until the inevitable collapse, which McCain had warned against so eloquently, occurred. Any questions? Is it time to buy stocks? Not clear, maybe the stock market is about where it should be... [ via Instapundit, who asks "who you gonna believe, the NYTimes or some blogger?" ]
Time wonders Is laser-powered HDTV the highest def yet? Could be... oh boy, a new buying opportunity :)
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