Are you sitting down? Holding any sharp objects? The LATimes (!) publishes James Kirchick: Bush never lied to us about Iraq. This feels like an Onion parody, it is so unexpected. [ via LGF, who didn't give it a flying pig for some reason? But I did :) ] 
John McCain has called for building 45 new nuclear reactors by 2030. "McCain said the 104 nuclear reactors currently operating around the country produce about 20 percent of the nation's annual electricity needs. ' Every year, these reactors alone spare the atmosphere from the equivalent of nearly all auto emissions in America. Yet for all these benefits, we have not broken ground on a single nuclear plant in over thirty years,' he said. 'And our manufacturing base to even construct these plants is almost gone.' He said he would set the country on a course to build 45 new ones by 2030, with a longer-term goal of adding another 55 in the future." Good for him. 
So Team High Road is now Team Columbia, and Team Slipstream-Chipotle is now Team Garmen-Chipotle. Congratulations to both of these top tier U.S. Pro Cycling teams, and to their sponsors. This shows that perhaps cycling is over the hump going into this year's Tour de France... fingers crossed... 
In Europe, high speed trains are killing airplanes. I don't know about "killing", but there are definitely advantages; I've ridden several European high speed trains recently in lieu of flying. The main benefits are time (don't need the extra hour for security) and access (train stations are everywhere, airports are not). 
So are you on Firefox 3 yet? (You do know it is now "out", right?) In fact over 8 million people downloaded it yesterday, the first day it was available. If you just want to dip your toe in the water, don’t worry; you can have Firefox and IE installed at the same time, and you don’t have to make Firefox your default browser (although you can if you want to, and you’ll want to…) One of the best things about Firefox is the various extensions you can get. My top three: Adblock Plus (gets rid of ads!), IETab (lets you easily switch between Firefox and IE rendering), and Firebug (great tool for web development). 
Forbes: Why Firefox matters.
Oh, and here's a Power User's guide to Firefox 3...